Blog Formerly Known as:


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The First ever I had a Boob Once Contest!

Really! I'm having a contest. Because that's what people do when they have cancer blogs.

I must begin by thanking everyone for their wonderful gifts and generosity over the last several weeks. Aside from people shopping for me, watching my crazy children and dropping off incredible meals and gluten free treats, I also received a very modern and funky header for my blog. This was a surprise gift from Lori, my talented artist/designer friend and aunt-in-law? (she's married to my husband's uncle; you figure it out).
I am lucky that Lori enjoys designing boob-like headers in her spare time.

About a week ago, I also received a thoughtful gift in the mail  from my friend Martha, which included the spiritual and life-affirming book, When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron, along with a copy of the "Unrated, Uncut and Uncalled For!" edition of Will Ferrel's Anchorman, the Legend of Ron Burgundy.Unfortunately, I already owned this movie, and while I know what you're probably thinking right now ("No one can own too many copies of Anchorman!"), I decided two was just too much for me. When I asked Martha if she wanted to return the DVD, she suggested I pay it forward. So that is what I'm doing.
With a contest.

But allow me to digress here a moment to more fully consider Anchorman, which in case you are not familiar with it, is a heartfelt and deeply moving portrait of a newscaster in the 1970's. If you are like me, you wonder almost daily why this film was never nominated for an Academy Award. I received my first copy of the movie this past Christmas (along with my very own Ron Burgundy stylin' t-shirt) after asking my husband to buy me a Will Ferrell collection for viewing during my recovery from surgery. What I had in mind was one of those three-in-a-box collections, but he ended up buying me a total of 11 (yep. count 'em. 11) Will Ferrell movies, including one that doesn't even have Will Ferrell in it: Dodgeball. 

If you've never watched Dodgeball, be warned: unless you like explaining awkward things to young children, do not watch this movie with young children . My boys happened to come into my bedroom one afternoon while I was  watching the film. Although I knew I should turn the movie off, it was only a few days post-surgery and I was  too tired to go through the hassle of lifting the remote off the night stand and pushing the STOP button. The boys happened to join me just in time for the scene in which the underdog team - led by Vince Vaughn- receives the wrong  uniforms last minute and is forced to wear them for the big game, as depicted below.

The boys stood on the bed, their heads cocked, stares blank.
"What kind of uniforms are those?" five-year-old J asked.
I struggled for an answer and then told him they were "like Batman's costume, except you know,  with less fabric." He appeared to accept this response, and began rooting for the team "in the superhero costumes."

You may be asking yourself right now, why the hell is she talking about any of this? This has nothing to do with cancer or a blog titled "I had a boob once!" On the contrary, it has everything to do with it. One of the other definitions of "boob" is a stupid person. And every one of the movies mentioned above, particularly Dodgeball and Anchorman, is, well, about individuals who are pretty stupid. So see how this brilliantly comes full circle?

As for my contest (if anyone is actually still reading this blog) here are the details: Make me laugh. Leave me a funny comment or steal something funny  (meaning you don't have to be the author of it) and share it with me on Facebook or Blogger. You can also share a quote about humor. Like this one: "A sense of humor can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected and smile through the unbearable." -Moshe Waldoks (never heard of him before but he sounds like my kind of rabbi...)

Whoever makes me laugh the hardest or inspires me the most gets the video (I'm  willing to mail it to anywhere in the world - in case this contest goes global, which I suspect it might).

Or if all this is too much work, you can even just say hi. It's possible you could still win.

Small print: Contest entries accepted until Midnight Friday. Don't all jump at once...


  1. This is great. Love the new graphic!!

  2. Visiting thanks to Amy Cooper Rodriguez and her facebook page.

    What a wonderful attitude. My brother was recently diagnosed with cancer, too, and he also has a spectacular attitude and is attacking his non-hodgkins lymphoma with humor. You and he are truly inspirations.

    My funny story:

    My mother has always loved trees. She loves them and then feels sad when they fall down after a storm or a blizzard.

    This past storm, a tree from her very own yard starting leaning and never recovered. She was worried and called in the landscaping company.

    The day they were scheduled to come, she told my father about the tree and how she wants to save it and he looked at her as he has for the past 30 years of their marriage: with mild, if exasperated amusement that she cares so much.

    Exasperated in her turn, my mother went on to exclaim, Barry! We have to save the trees. You know, help them. Like that Cat-in-Hat book, you know?

    After a puzzled moment, my dad said, You mean the Lorax?

    Yes, my mom yelled as the bell rand and my father walked to let in the landscaper.

    Be the Lorax, Barry! She yelled at his back.

    Be the Lorax!

    You be the Lorax, too, Amy. Speak for all the lost boobs. :)

  3. Amy! Wanted to say I love that new banner and I think YOU are so funny - txs. to Amy R. for pointing me here today . . . glad to see you writing. Off to read backwards now . . .

    The Weeble

  4. Can we still win if our stories are top secret? Thanks for posting your blog. It helps me feel connected.

  5. Yes Jeana, you can still win if you secretly tell me your story/joke. I could not make out what Corbin said on the phone. I do have to say that Barbara's Lorax story is pretty hard to beat at the moment... but there are still something like 100 hours (more or less) to go...

  6. Amy, you are truly hilarious! Thanks for making us all laugh out loud. Having not seen (or not remembering) many Will Farrell movies I now somehow feel very deprived. I will pick one up this weekend!

  7. OK, this is something Trevor, Caleb and I watch regularly when we need a laugh.

    And when that doesn't work we go here:

    I love the new banner on the blog. It was great to spend time at AWP!

  8. Eleven Will Ferrell movies? Outstanding. I'm no theologian, but I have to believe that anything over eight pretty much guarantees you saint status. I mean, it's at least on par, if not better, than Saint Polycarp's qualifications (he couldn't be burned at the stake . . . although his enemies seemed to have no problem stabbing him to death ((really, God?)).

    And not to go off on a tangent, but why is it that Lori gets thanked for designing boob-like headers but when I do it at work I have to go speak with Janeane in HR? That seems unfair somehow.

    As for my contest submission:

    A priest, a rabbi and Richard Nixon walk into a bar. They order a round of drinks, and then spend a genial few hours engaged in pleasant conversation. After settling up their tab, the three depart the bar, say their goodnights and go their separate ways.

    On the way home, though, Nixon is hit by a bus. As he is wheeled into an emergency room, a surgeon rushes up to the gurney, and, looking down at the injured former president, declares, "I can not operate on this man."

    The rabbi, upon hearing the details of all this the next day, phones the priest and wonders aloud whether the surgeon might actually have been Nixon's mother. But the priest is too busy with his sick duck, which he had brought to the bar the night before, to give the matter much thought.

    Later, it's discovered that the surgeon is just a terrible doctor, with a horrible work ethic and little to no empathy for others.

  9. Kevin,
    I'm sorry that your HR department is so uptight. Do not ignore your artistic impulses and if necessary, seek a new job.
    Tour joke about the doctor brings to mind this award-winning and powerful Will Ferrell performance:

  10. Since I can't remember anything funny because I'm too busy/tired, I'll post a link to a website that often makes me laugh and sometimes makes me laugh until I cry. Http:// I hope they have good stuff when you look, some days are funnier than others. Hope to see you guys Sat at 2:30 for Andy's B'day!!! :)
