Of Squirrels and Squash
Part II
Saturday, February 20
Two days after the squash incident, a squirrel decided to make an appearance in our attic.
I had already forgotten the certainty with which my mother-in-law said we had squirrels in the attic when she slept over two weeks ago.
“Yep, I heard them all night…scurrying around,” she said.
For the next couple of nights, I listened, but heard nothing.
“She was probably confusing the sounds of the heater with squirrels,” I said to Ben, who agreed.
And that was that. At least until something crashed to the ground Saturday morning and Ben opened the attic door to see a squirrel standing at the top of the stairs.
“Was it big?” I asked, as though a slight difference in size mattered when there were wild animals in the house.
“Yep,” he said. “Looked big to me.”
The boys were excited.
Jonas grabbed his Red Sox baseball bat and kept calling “Where are you squirrel?” Then he practiced how he’d “bonk” the critter, using his stuffed penguin as a stand-in.
All day, philosophical discussions ensued, such as the following:
Ethan: Um, the squirrel jumped up to the window then he chewed up the squares and the glass and found a hiding spot in the attic.
Jonas: We can build a house for him.
Ethan: But the squirrel likes hiding places in the forest. Only in the forest, not here where there are houses. They like bears. If a bear comes and tries to get him he finds a really good hiding spot.
Jonas: No, he gets in his car and drives away.
Ethan: But squirrels can’t drive – but they have legs on their bottom and they run like babies (Ethan demonstrates by crawling on the floor)
Jonas: And, um, we can build a cage for him.
Ethan: but he likes it in the forest only
Ben: So, Jonas, are you still going to bonk the squirrel?
Jonas: Yep.
Ben: So you’re going to build a house for the squirrel and then bonk it?
Jonas: Yep.
Ethan: But his house has to be in the forest.
Ben: Where’s the forest? We don’t really have forest in Arlington.
Ethan: It’s in Chicago.
Ben: So how does the squirrel get to Chicago?
Ethan: On an airplane. Um, Squirrel Air.
Ben: But who drives the squirrel airplane?
Ethan: Um, Captain Squirrel.
Jonas: Can I watch Spiderman?
I am happy to report that no squirrels were bonked that day. A nice man from BayState Wildlife (doesn’t really sound like a pest removal company does it? More like an animal sanctuary) came and installed little one way doors over the areas where the squirrels were coming in. We haven’t seen a squirrel in our house since.
Then again, they probably took a plane to Chicago where they’re living in a nice house in harmony with the bears.